Welcome to the world of Dungeons and Dragons! This website contains the archives of several D&D players from the years 1984 through 1996. These archives are a treasure trove of information for anyone who loves to play the game or is interested in its history. Here, you will find everything from strongholds and kingdoms to player characters and non-player characters. The archives even include dungeon crawl maps, making it easy for you to recreate some of the most epic battles and adventures from the early days of D&D. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something here for everyone.
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Welcome to the world of Dungeons and Dragons!


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This website contains the archives of several D&D players from the years 1984 through 1999. These archives are a treasure trove of information for anyone who loves to play the game or is interested in its history.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer


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Here, you will find everything from strongholds and kingdoms to player characters and non-player characters. The archives even include dungeon crawl maps, making it easy for you to recreate some of the most epic battles and adventures from the early days of D&D.

What is best in life?

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."

- Conan

From Beyond

"Disintegration is quite painless, I assure you."

- H. P. Lovecraft

Prince Vigo the Carpathian

On a mountain of skulls, in a castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood! What was will be! What is will be no more! Now is the season of evil!

- Prince Vigo the Carpathian