Welcome to the world of Dungeons and Dragons! This website contains the archives of several D&D players from the years 1984 through 1996. These archives are a treasure trove of information for anyone who loves to play the game or is interested in its history. Here, you will find everything from strongholds and kingdoms to player characters and non-player characters. The archives even include dungeon crawl maps, making it easy for you to recreate some of the most epic battles and adventures from the early days of D&D. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something here for everyone.
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Greyhawk is a rich and diverse world within the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) universe, known for its rich history, deep lore, and epic adventures. Set in a medieval fantasy realm, Greyhawk is a world of magic, gods, heroes, and monsters. It is a land filled with ancient ruins, treacherous dungeons, and sprawling cities, where heroes can rise from humble beginnings to become legends.

At the heart of Greyhawk lies the Free City of Greyhawk, a bustling metropolis and a melting pot of races, cultures, and intrigues. The city is a hub of trade, diplomacy, and adventure, attracting adventurers from all corners of the world. It is home to powerful guilds, influential nobles, and cunning thieves’ guilds, all vying for power and wealth in the shadows. The city is also renowned for its Circle of Eight, a group of powerful archmages who safeguard the world from evil threats and serve as advisors to the city’s rulers.
Beyond the city, Greyhawk is a land filled with diverse landscapes. From the dense forests of the Vesve Forest to the soaring peaks of the Griff Mountains, from the haunted marshes of the Hool Marshes to the treacherous Suss Forest, Greyhawk offers a wide array of environments for adventurers to explore. The world is also home to ancient ruins of fallen empires, mysterious dungeons teeming with monsters, and hidden temples devoted to long-forgotten deities.
The gods of Greyhawk play a prominent role in the world, with their followers shaping the course of history. From the lawful good Heironeous, god of valor and justice, to the chaotic evil Tharizdun, the Chained God, who seeks to bring about the end of all existence, the gods of Greyhawk are powerful and capricious. Their influence can be felt in the world through their chosen champions, divine miracles, and the machinations of their faithful followers.


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