Welcome to the world of Dungeons and Dragons! This website contains the archives of several D&D players from the years 1984 through 1996. These archives are a treasure trove of information for anyone who loves to play the game or is interested in its history. Here, you will find everything from strongholds and kingdoms to player characters and non-player characters. The archives even include dungeon crawl maps, making it easy for you to recreate some of the most epic battles and adventures from the early days of D&D. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something here for everyone.
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Ravenloft is an alternate time-space existence known as a pocket dimension or demiplane, called the Demiplane of Dread, which consists of a collection of land pieces called “domains”, brought together by a mysterious force known only as the Dark Powers. Each domain is tailored to and mystically ruled by a being called a Darklord who is forever trapped and surrounded by magical mists surrounding the domain. Strahd von Zarovich, a vampire in the original AD&D Ravenloft I6 module 1983, became the first Darklord, both ruler and prisoner of his own personal domain of Barovia. How Count von Zarovich became the darklord of Barovia was detailed in the novel I, Strahd: The Memoirs of a Vampire. As originally established in the Ravenloft: Realm of Terror boxed set known as “the Black Box” released in 1990, the Ravenloft campaign setting was located in the Ethereal Plane. As a physical manifestation of that plane, lands, monsters and even people were created out of the mysterious mists, and the realm acted as a prison where one could enter or be transported, but means of escape were few. Other Ravenloft Domains and Darklords were eventually added in various AD&D 2nd edition (and then later in 3rd edition) products establishing a core continent attached around Barovia which could be traveled to by others if their respective lords allowed entering or leaving their borders; while some Domains remained isolated in the mists and were referred to as Islands.